Simulink Zoom” v1.0.1.x-1 – Bug fixes 1.0.1-2015-30-07-17-9 – Removed (missing) text in a window after close/home/close/enter/toggle from “set” dialogs. – (optional) Added a button that activates button completion on hit when close/home/close/enter/toggle is called. Pressing A won’t create a lock icon, unless you’re doing something like changing a target’s address bar colour, or using that menu bar background. – Removed (missing) text in a window after close/home/close/enter/toggle from “set” dialogs. Unnamed fix to avoid crashing – (optional) Added a button that activates button completion on hit when close/home/close/enter/toggle is called. Pressing A won’t create a lock icon, unless you’re doing something like changing a target’s address bar colour, or using that menu bar background. A “toggle” to highlight your minimap icon in the bottom left corner instead of the bottom right is now done by clicking it at the bottom left corner rather than the top right. – Nailed down the “autohide” and “automatically-update” links in the window 1.0.0 – Fixed: Wrong URL. Fixed: Add an “F11” command-line option in the “auto” window. – Fixed: Nailed down the “automatically-update” links in the window. Fixed: Error handling in window manager. – Added a button to change the last page view number – Fixed: Nailed down “autohide” links and some bug fixes – Fixed: Added keyboard macros with a toggle at the top to make sure they work properly with selected functions. – Fixed: Fixed missing code when pressing “force